QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 210 Little Mandron Soldier 33

The people in the observation room all watched in surprise as \'Yang Xue\' suddenly screamed and fell to the ground without taking a single step out of the sterile room.

Even Ding Weimin looked over in surprise.

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, the andronian head doctor turned off the two-way-view option of the glass demarcation and scrambled to shut the door. "Get him out of there!"

The other doctors moved fast and rushed over to the main doors of the reinforced room to wait. Since a small amount of magnetic energy had seeped into the sterile room, they had to wait until all of it was drained away before opening the main doors.

"What\'s happening?" Xia Yueyu anxiously asked the head doctor. "Why can\'t we just start the procedure?!"

The andronian doctor looked at Xia Yueyu like she was crazy. Was this woman serious? The mandron had passed out from pain in the sterile room and a pool of blood was slowly forming beneath him. They had no idea if he was even alive and yet Mrs. Xia wanted them to carry on?

He ignored her and contacted one of the doctors. "Have an ambulance come over." The equipment available in the Ding home was neither sufficient nor appropriate to examine a mandron so the unconscious \'Yang Xue\' had to be transferred to a hospital immediately.

Xia Yueyu frowned. "You can\'t call an ambulance!" There might be one or two reporters hiding outside of the Ding estate at the moment. What if they caught a glimpse of Yang Xue? How was the Ding family going to explain Yang Xue\'s appearance in their home?

Even the Third Marshal and Ding Wang thought along these lines but before they could utter a word, the andronian doctor spoke up. "Mrs. Xia, if the mandron isn\'t treated immediately then he could lose his life. How is the General going to survive then?!"

Xia Yueyu\'s eyes widened and she stood up immediately. "Call an ambulance!"

Over at the forest behind the Ding estate;

Two average looking human males in black clothes, holding similar black bags, hiked the dirt path that led to the back of the Ding mansion.

One of them suddenly paused by a Cypress tree to catch his breath. Looking at his partner still walking up ahead, he called out, "Lao Da, Lao Da! Hold up a minute!"

The one named Lao Da turned back impatiently. "What?! We\'re almost there. Remember we have to get to the Ding mansion before the patrol gets here!"

The first man waved. "I know, I know. I just need to breathe."

Lao Dao sighed. With nothing else to do, he crosschecked the items in his bag. His camera, other high tech gear for recording and extra. This period, the Ding family had been very silent about the General\'s state and the entire Plexar Federation had been eargerly waiting for any news.

At this point, numerous media outlets would pay a huge buckload of money to receive info and that was where him and his partner came in. They were highly experienced paparazzi and just thinking about the huge monetary gain was enough incentive to compel them to risk jail in order to sniff around for news.

They had already been hiking since the night before.

"Alright I\'m good. We can continue." The first man said and both men resumed their journey.

Ten minutes later they finally arrived at an area close to the huge wall surrounding the back of the estate. Lao Da stretched. "We can\'t get any closer or we\'ll get captured by the CCTVs." He looked around to the tallest tree he could find and pointed. "That would do."

Both men made their way over and steadily climbed to the top of the tree. Once they finished setting up their apparatus, the first guy hesitated a bit before calling, "Lao Da..." He swallowed nervously. "The Ding family is not like the other people we have sniffed info from. What if it gets traced back to us?"

Lao Da rolled his eyes. "Are you a fool? We\'ll just sell it to the highest bidder outside Earth. It would be much harder to trace anything outside the Planet. Even if they dared to, how would they know which Planet to begin their search?"

A smile bloomed on the first guys\'s face. "Ah, Lao Da is still the most intelligent."


Just then an ambulance slowly made it\'s way to a metal structure at the end of the estate.

Lao Da\'s eyes widened. "Quick, quick! Start recording!" Who knew they\'d get so lucky as soon as they arrived? The Ding family could only blame themselves for this. If they didn\'t want people snooping around their property, why did they choose to remain silent in the first place?!


"The ambulance is here!" A doctor called out.

The andronian doctor observed the sterile room to make sure all the magnetic energy was drained before clicking on the command to open the doors.

The assistant doctors rushed into the sterile room and carefully pulled out Yang Liu. Her clothes were already soaked with blood due to the amount of cuts on her skin and her body kept twitching in uncontrollably.

In the doctors\' haste, Yang liu\'s hood fell off, taking with it the fake ear extensions she\'d stuck to the tip of her ears.

Over in the observation room, Xia Yueyu\'s eyes narrowed. Something did not seem right. She took a closer look at \'Yang Xue\'s\' features and then her eyes widened on shock. "That\'s... That\'s not Yang Xue!"

"What?" The Third Marshal asked but directly walked out of the observation room without waiting for an answer. Xia Yueyu and Ding Wang followed behind without missing a beat.

Seeing Yang Liu\'s appearance clearly, all three people stilled. Xia Yueyu, especially, felt her blood boil. Yang Zhi had dared to deceive her!

The Third Marshal, on the other hand, ran a hand over his face before leaving the area whilst tapping on his bracelet.

"Get her out of my sight!" Xia Yueyu screamed before walking out too. She wasted no time in contacting Yang Zhi.

The request was accepted in record time. Yang Zhi had an ingratiating smile on his face as he greeted, "Mrs. Xia."

Xia Yueyu\'s chest heaved violently. "You fool! What do you take my Ding family for?! How dare you try to pass off that waste daughter of yours as Yang Xue?!"

Yang Zhi\'s eyes widened. "M.. Mrs.. Xia-"

"Where\'s Yang Xue?" Xia Yueyu cut in with a frosty glare.

Yang Zhi gulped. A haze of dread cloaked his entire body as he said, "Honestly... I have no idea." Before Xia Yueyu could speak, he hurriedly added, "Yang Xue suddenly disappeared eight days ago and I have no idea where he is. I successfully contacted him once but he adamantly refused to go over to the Fing estate. There was really nothing else I could do. Mrs Xia, I assure you Yang Liu is a much better option. She\'s sensible and-"

"What sensible?!" Xia Yueyue screamed in anger. "You have to see if the fool is alive first!"

Yang Zhi shook. "What do you mea-"

Xia Yueyu wasn\'t having it and ended the connection in the middle of the man\'s sentence. Next she paced anxiously. Yang Xue was no where to be found... Yang Xue had refused to come over to the Ding home... Her son had less than three weeks before he was permanently paralyzed.

Just thinking of how she\'d been deceived made her anger soar new heights. She decisively clicked on a file containing all the evidence gathered and sent them to the Fed police with the information that the Ding family was resuming pursuit of the drug case with full force.

She did not believe that Yang Xue would choose to remain hidden when his family was faced with such a crisis.

Over in the Yang home, Yang Zhi tried to get through to Yang Liu\'s bracelet repeatedly but with no success. His heart shook. The Ding family couldn\'t have silently \'taken care\' of his daughter could they?

His thoughts were beginning to run amok when a communication request finally came in. It was from Yang Liu\'s bracelet. He quickly accepted. "A\'Liu?!"

A monotone voice was what answered him. "Hello. Am I speaking to Mr. Yang Zhi?"

Yang Zhi frowned. "This is he. Why are you in possession of my daughter\'s bracelet?"

The monotone voice replied. "This person was just admitted into the Emergency section of the First Hospital and your contact code was saved as an emergency contact."

Yang Zhi shot up from his chair. "I\'ll be there immediately!"

On his way down the stairs, he crashed into his last child. Yang Liqin stumbled several feet away before picking herself up and patting her chest. "What\'s wrong with you?!"

Yang Zhi didn\'t have time to explain so he quickly rapped, "Yang Liu had been admitted in the emergency section of the First hospital!" And then continued on his way.

Yang Liqin blinked. She hadn\'t set eyes on that traitorous eldest sister of hers since she returned and suddenly she was hearing this news. Her curiousity got the best of her and she followed after her father.

As soon as he got into his hover car with Yang Liqin behind him, Yang Zhi sent messages to both Yang Xiang and Yang Teng before leaving for the First hospital.

Yang Teng slowly stirred awake when he heard the special notification ping from his bracelet. Jin Yusheng was right next to him, deeply asleep. Not surprising considering the fact that they\'d spent all night copulating and only finished up by 5:00am.

His eyes moved to the digital clock attached to the drawer. 7:15am. It was still kinda early. Since he was too tired to lift his hand, he just activated the text to speech output function.

Five seconds later, Yang Teng sat up on the bed in alarm.

His movement awoke Jin Yusheng. "What\'s wrong?" He asked groggily.

Yang Teng sped out of the bed and began dressing himself as he explained, "Yang Liu has just been admitted in the emergency section. I have to go!"

Jin Yusheng frowned. "Need a ride?"

"No!" Yang Teng said quickly with a wave. He couldn\'t dare. What if Jin Yusheng was spotted? How would he explain things to his family then?

Jin Yusheng offered him a small smile in understanding and Yang Teng\'s heart skipped a beat as he stumbled his way out the door.

Actually, the more he got to know the man that was the Plexar renowned President Jin, the more awed he became. He had slowly grown attached to the man even to the point that he, Yang Teng, would dare to say he liked him... Only in his heart of course.

Planet Earth, First Hospital;

Yang Zhi and Yang Liqin arrived in record time and went straight to the emergency section. Looking to a passing nurse, Yang Zhi began, "I\'m here for a human female recently admitted. She goes by the name Yang Liu?"

"Ah," The nurse nodded in understanding and eyed him with pity. "I\'m afraid you\'d have to wait a while. The doctors are currently attending to her, it\'s pretty serious."

Yang Zhi\'s heart stopped and Yang Liqin raised a brow. "What exactly is going on?"

Yang Zhi hesitated for a moment. Since things had already gotten to this stage, he might as well come clean. So he gave his last child a brief summary of things

At the end of Yang Zhi\'s little tale, Yang Liqin burst into laughter. "I can\'t believe it!" Her father\'s eyes widened but she didn\'t give a single fuck as her laughter turned maniacal.

Yang Liu had heaped everything on her head back at the engagement party only to turn around and sneak her way into the Ding home like a beast in heat. "It\'s really so good!" Yang Liqin exclaimed again as she laughed.

"Yang. Li.qin." Yang Zhi warned with blazing eyes and gritted teeth. This effectively put an end to the young lady\'s laughter.

Yang Liqin decided to walk over to the side and activate her bracelet. She had deativated it back when her scandal came out as she couldn\'t handle the backlash from her fans. Now, people must have found something new to talk about. For example... Yang Liu\'s big flop!

She couldn\'t wait to see the curses. She giggled as she logged on to the Federation Network and directly clicked on the #1 trending news.

At first she was a little disgusted and was about to leave the page but when she saw the contents of the news clearly, her eyes widened.

"It gets better, dear father!~" Yang Liu suddenly exclaimed and burst into another round of maniacal laughter. Who cared if it was her own sibling who was trending in such a shameful manner?

They had all abandoned her back then! She gingerly walked over and shoved her bracelet in her father\'s face. "Look! Isn\'t Yang Teng so pretty?~"

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